United Matriarchy Nations

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Matriarchy is a "form of social organization in which the mother or oldest female is the head of the family, and descent and relationship are reckoned through the female line; government or rule by a woman or women. This type of social system still existed in at least 7 areas cross the global. They are
Mosuo, China
Bribri, Costa Rica
Umoja, Kenya
Minangkabau, Indonesia
Akan, Ghana
Khasi, India
Kihnu, Estonia
Zhaba,Sichuan, China
The United Matriarchy Nations is the origination that consisted those 7 area as the members, and team up to support and alliance each other in trade, education, economic , art and cultural ,etc.



A organization that unit all matriarchy nations, organization, communities together to keep and develop its matriarchy culture, tradition, etc.. 

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 @2024 United Matriachy Nations